Region of Crete (PP7), implemented its first Common Educational Programme activity of the IMPRECO project on October 8th in the PP7’s protected area (Northeastern egde of Crete). The activity organized by PP7’s scientific expert “Nature Conservation Consultants” in cooperation with the University of Crete – Natural History Museum of Crete.

More specifically, children of the 3rd to 6th grade of the Primary School of Siteia attended the presentation by Michalis Dretakis (UoC – NHMC). Mr Dretakis presented the value of the Natura2000 areas and gave an overview of the IMPRECO project. In addition, he informed the children about the NE edge of Crete, especially for Vai and the species that appear in this area. He also presented the Simplified Monitoring Protocol brochure and explained the children how to fill it in.

After that, it was time to go out to the field with the children of the 4th and the 6th grade. The first stop was in Erimoupolis, where the students had the opportunity to observe the beginning of one pond – filling activity. Mr Dretakis and Mr Avramakis (UoC – NHMC) also informed the children about the biodiversity of the area and showed them some indicative species.

Next stop was in Vai, where the students learned about the value of the wetland as well as the Phoenix theophrastii forest and how to distinguish it from the other types of palm trees.

The afternoon was devoted to monitoring activities imlemented by the scientific team in several sites of the protected area. 

  • The 1st monitoring activity took place in Vai palm tree and its wider area, aiming to analyze the current condition of the Phoenix theophrastii palm tree regarding the infestation from the red beetle. 
  • The 2nd monitoring activity took place in Toplou Monastery and its wider area where the migratory flow of Falco eleonorae and other migrant birds of the area, as well as the presence of some species of plants described in the IMPRECO Monitoring Protocol, were studied. 

The scientific team also had the opportunity to meet the Principal and the 6th grade teacher of the Primary School of Siteia in order to organize a second lesson for the students.

Two ponds have already filled in and the remaining two are expected to filled in very soon!

During the presentation of Mr Dretakis

Pond filling activity

Educating children during the field visit

Educating children during the field visit