University of Salento | Final JTF Meeting and Focus Group on S4ES

The final Joint Task Force meeting and Focus Group on S4ES of the University of Salento – Aquatina di Frigole

The University of Salento (PP3) organized its final Joint Task Force meeting on Thursday 25 November 2020. Because of the COVID-19 emergency restrictions, the participants were involved in an online meeting. During the meeting, the Strategy for Ecosystem Management and Conservation for the period 2021-2025 was discussed.

Dr. Maurizio Pinna (Scientific Coordinator) representing University of Salento showed to the members of the Joint Task Force the pilot actions realized for validation and the key points of the S4ES developed by IMPRECO. In particular, the mission, the vision and the three main pillars of the Strategy for Ecosystem Management and Conservation were discussed in detail.

It was a very interesting meeting, since the members of the Joint Task Force had the opportunity to comment and share the strong and weak points of the strategy S4ES, as well to discuss how to enhance and implement it in Italy. The Joint Task Force validated the realized pilot actions and agreed for participating to the stakeholder protocol and transnational network PARES.